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Standards of Membership

I. All students selected for induction in PINNACLE and/or SPIRE must meet the following criteria:

   A) Qualify as adult or non-traditional students under locally-derived and maintained definitions;
   B) PINNACLE students: preferably have senior status, although exceptional juniors may be selected for         

       membership, and graduate students may be selected for membership in the Graduate Division; SPIRE

       students: must be within 12 months of graduation;
   C) Pinnacle students should have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (3.0 with exceptional 

       circumstances), not necessarily including hours taken as a student of traditional age (3.4 GPA for graduate students);       

       Spire students should have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 
   D) *Have been involved in at least three (3) campus and/or community activities; (see exemption below)
   E) Demonstrate leadership, persistence, and future promise;
   F) Maintain the highest ethical standards.


*Standards of Membership Section I (D) Exemption:

Although we hold our honor societies and members to a high standard, we also recognize the need to be understanding and flexible during these unprecedented times. As of August 2020 and until such a time when colleges/universities have returned to normal operations, an exemption of the Standards of Membership, Section I (D), which states, Have been involved in at least three (3) campus and/or community activities, has been established in order for students who are presently unable to commit to volunteering their time and actively participating in campus organizations and events, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to be able to still be recognized for their hard work and educational achievement. We ask that you use your own discretion when considering this exemption, perhaps considering prior volunteer work or involvement in campus-related activities, and/or any other demonstrations of leadership or persistence.


II. Students must be selected for membership using any inherently fair selection method.


III. No more than twenty percent (20%) of the non-traditional student population on the campus can hold

     membership in PINNACLE and/or SPIRE.


IV. Induction of new members can take place no more frequently than twice per year.


V. If a campus chooses to create a local chapter of PINNACLE and/or SPIRE, the chapter must be a registered or   

    recognized campus organization and must meet all local standards for such registration or recognition.


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© 2024 by  Pinnacles &Spire Honor Societies. Proud partner of the Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education (

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